Dealing with Resistance and Shutdown in Anxiety
Anxiety has a sneaky way of making us want to retreat, to shut down, and to avoid whatever makes us feel uneasy. Whether it’s putting off a difficult conversation, procrastinating on a project, or avoiding social situations, these actions seem to offer temporary relief from discomfort. That relief from discomfort gives us the false notion of protection from discomfort. However, it actually maintains the cycle of anxiety and reinforces anxiety’s grip on you over time.
The Secret to Getting through High Anxiety Moments with Your Child
When you’re an anxious parent and recognize anxiety in your child it can feel like every step you take is a step in the wrong direction.
Thriving in the Transition from School to Summer.
When school ends, children are often filled with excitement about the freedom from academics. However, parents of children who struggle with anxiety can often be left wondering, where is my carefree child?